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A La Carte (5/3)

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Why You Should Not Listen to Me – Thabiti Anyabwile: “Influence. It’s a funny thing. It’s inescapable–someone will always be perceived to have it or not have it, to either use or misuse it. We complain about it, but we also want to be influenced.” Be sure to read why you shouldn’t listen to him.

Dear Mr. President – Here’s an excellent blog post. A mother simply writes a letter to the President, explaining how she told her children about the reality of abortion.

Google Glass – Here’s the great line from this article on Google Glass: “Google Glass, like the Segway, is what happens when Silicon Valley spends too much time talking to itself. Maybe that’s even overstating the case: The rhetoric around Google Glass is what happens when important tech people spend a little too much time congratulating each other.” Also on the subject of technology, I don’t know much about the book, but this quote is worth pondering: Our Trust in Technology.

The Inevitability of Sanctification – Elisha looks at the outdoors and (just as God wants us to, I’m sure) learns a lesson there about spiritual growth.

The Sanctifying Work of Parenthood – “Many people describe marriage as the laboratory where our spiritual growth is fostered and developed. I find it to be equally true of parenting as well. God has used parenting in my life to refine and change me in ways I had not anticipated. He’s given me a child who requires more than I was trained to handle so that I would depend on him and not my own strength.”

$5 Friday – Ligonier has a few good deals in this week’s $5 Friday: The Intimate Marriage by R.C. Sproul, Economics for Everybody by R.C. Sproul Jr., a couple of biographies, and a $10 gift certificate for $5.

Marriage is not a concession to our sinfulness; marriage is a provision for our holiness.

—J.A. Motyer

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