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A La Carte (5/30)

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Reformed Expository Commentaries – The Reformed Expository Commentary set is my favorite commentary set. I use the volumes for both sermon preparation and devotion. To mark the release of the newest volume (Philippians) Westminster Books has all of them on sale at 50% off (52% off if you buy the whole OT or NT). You don’t need to be a pastor to benefit from them!

Reflections from a New Dad – I will admit some bias here since David is one of my favorite people, but I really enjoyed these reflections on becoming a dad again (just a couple of weeks before he turned 47).

How Were Old Testament Saints Saved? – “What if you lived during a time when Jesus hadn’t arrived, namely, the period of the Old Testament? Were you saved by your obedience to the Law? Did God just give everyone a ‘free pass’ until Christ arrived? How did salvation work for those who were still waiting for the gospel of Jesus?”

Everest – “How did the first Everest expedition come about, how many people have climbed since, and what routes did they take?” Here’s an interactive presentation that marks the 60th anniversary of the first ascent.

The Church’s Great Challenge – Al Mohler writes about the church’s great challenge today: “We sin if we call homosexuality something other than sin. We also sin if we act as if this sin cannot be forgiven. We cannot settle for truth without love nor love without truth. The Gospel settles the issue once and for all. This great moral crisis is a Gospel crisis.”

Congregational Worship vs a Concert – Justin Taylor rounds up a couple of excellent quotes about congregational worship.

Blood, always precious, is priceless when it streams from Immanuel’s side.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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