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A La Carte (6/16)

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Jesus Statue Destroyed – I found this story strangely amusing. That giant statue of Jesus along the I-75 just outside Cincy was struck by lightning and destroyed. “Earlier this morning and late Monday night, motorists were stopped along the highway and along Union Road in Monroe to watch the 62-foot King of Kings statue burn. The fire was reported at 11:15 p.m. Monday, June 14. Within minutes, all that was left was the steel frame of the statue at the church.”

Ligonier Ministries Conference – Tomorrow morning I’ll be speaking at a pre-conference for Ligonier Ministries. You can catch it live via streaming video. Later in the day the conference proper will kick off featuring a long list of great speakers.

Jesus – This feature from ABC looks at several different men, each of whom claims to be Jesus.

Shepherding Everyone in the Church – Brian Croft offers wise counsel to pastors about ensuring that they are pastoring every person in the church.

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