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A La Carte (6/16)

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The Greatness of God – Brian Croft on sharing the greatness of God with children: “Point to those things in creation that children see, notice, and conclude as massive and larger than life. Then, use that as the measuring device to teach how great and glorious God is compared to it.”

Sentence Hijacker – This is funny: “My issue is that I regularly finish other people’s sentences. If you pause…then I march in and finish your thoughts. It’s kind of like I am playing conversational Wheel-of-Fortune and I am trying to solve the puzzle. I shout out the answers, even when it’s not my turn. Somebody needs a buzzer.”

Rehab Nation – This is a good op-ed from the Washington Post. “The arc of modern scandal is depressingly familiar. Transgression followed by exposure, perhaps accompanied by a fleeting detour into denial. Then tearful confession and, finally, the inevitable journey to rehab. Didn’t you know, from the moment the story broke, that New York Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner would end up checking himself in somewhere?”

The Next Story – Daniel Darling, writing for Covenant Eyes, has a kind and encouraging review of The Next Story.

The Money Hole – John Stossel has found something the US ought to learn from Canada.

Baptists and the NIV – Scroll down to 5:14pm and there is an interesting resolution from the Southern Baptists not to use, buy or sell the new NIV translation.

After the Quake – Photos of Japan 3 months after the quake.

Slander is a vice that strikes a double blow, wounding both him that commits and him against whom it is committed.

—Jacques Sauin

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