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A La Carte (6/18)

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The Incredible Disappearing EvangelistSmithsonian magazine tells an interesting story from days gone by. “Aimee Semple McPherson, evangelist, faith-healer, founder of the Foursquare Gospel Church and builder of the Angelus Temple, was believed to have disappeared during a swim on May 18, 1926. In the hours that followed, rescuers were sparing no effort to find her.”

My Dad’s Challenge – I enjoyed reading of the challenge Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ father gave her many years ago. “The scene is indelibly etched in my memory. I was 19 years old. My family was on a mission trip in Haiti–my parents’ (and my) favorite type of family ‘vacation.’ We were worshiping in a small Haitian church, sitting on hard wood benches. In the middle of the service, my dad leaned over to me and whispered…”

Excommunicating the Why – Marvin Olasky writes about Eli Reimer and how the best parts of his story got left on the cutting room floor.

When Body and Soul Must Part – Here are some poignant reflections on the reality that at some point every body and soul must part.

The Church Hurt Me – Thabiti Anyabwile (I always feel the dilemma of whether I really need to include his last name; it’s not like there are tons of other Thabiti’s out there in the Christian blogosphere) writes to and about those people who say, “The church hurt me.”

The only thing of our very own which we contribute to our salvation is the sin which makes it necessary.

—William Temple

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