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A La Carte (6/2)

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Mark Dever in Toronto
If you are in the Toronto area, you may be interested in hearing Mark Dever speak at Richview Baptist Church this evening. Bring an unbelieving friend, since Mark will be preaching an evangelistic message.

The Gospel and the Gosselins
CT has a thoughtful article on the TLC show Jon and Kate Plus Eight. “It was not until the recent allegations of sexual impropriety arose that a significant number of Christians began to question whether Jon and Kate were indeed the examples of faithful living that we had imagined. Somehow most of us missed the long trajectory that was, day by day, moving them farther from a life of Christian virtue. Sexual immorality–whether actual or merely suspected–caught our attention, but the materialism, narcissism, and exploitation of children that preceded it was largely overlooked.”

Toy Story 3 Teaser
It’s a year away and already I’m looking forward to taking the kids.

Is 1 Corinthians 13 Poetry?
Mounce looks at the passage this week. “We had an interesting experience on the ESV translation committee when we were doing 1 Cor 13. We were working really hard on the passage, perhaps especially hard since it was such a famous passage. Famous passages are difficult since changes have a greater impact on people: “how dare you change my favorite passage!” as if we own the text.”

WORLD Magazine looks at Pixar’s success stories and how they refuse to sell out to merchandisers. ” Yet there’s something about the studio’s creations that make Wall Street uncomfortable. The New York Times reported on April 5 that investors and toy merchandisers are ‘griping’ about Up in the same way they did with Wall•E and Ratatouille, fearing that the film’s artistic excellence will end up costing it in commercial appeal.”

Common Mistakes by Young Preachers
James MacDonald takes this on in a short video clip.

Deal of the Day: If There’s a God, Why Are There Atheists?
Ligonier Ministries is offering R.C. Sproul’s book If There’s a God, Why are There Atheists? at a pretty good discount (just $3.50 per copy).

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