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A La Carte (6/20)

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Canada Post has been on strike for a week or so now. So far the big takeaway has been how little I really use the mail anymore. And just to spite the postal workers and to register my vote against their demands, I am changing all my bills to e-bills. The only difficulty is that the flow of books to my door has pretty much stopped. Then again, this may allow me to catch up. Here’s hoping.

I managed to accumulate a ridiculous number of links and articles this weekend. Here are some of the highlights:

Heaven Is Real – I thoroughly enjoyed this snarky review of the mega-selling Heaven Is For Real. “When my boy claims that he is actually Superman I wrestle with an identical dilemma: Do I just smile and play along til he grows out of it, or do I write a book sharing the claim with the world? What to do, what to do?”

A Father’s Day Plea – The writer of this powerful op-ed in the New York Times makes “A Father’s Day Plea to Sperm Donors.”

The Man Who Was My Father – While we’re on the subject of Father’s Day, here’s a great bit of writing from Greg Lucas.

A Sibling with a Disability – Here’s a great guest post at Rage Against the Minivan. “The thing I think people don’t understand is that as a sibling, we mourn over and over. Through out my life I have mourned over the lose of something; a relationship that I see others having, a ‘normalcy’.”

God Wins – Randy Alcorn discusses Mark Galli’s God Wins, one of several book-length responses to Rob Bell’s Love Wins. “I pray people will read and heed this book with the knowledge that our evangelical churches are at a doctrinal and leadership crossroads, and much is at stake. “

State of the Blog – Aaron has some good reflections and bits of advice for the prospective blogger.

TGC in Canada – Here’s one for my fellow Canadians. The Gospel Coalition is holding a regional event here in Ontario (Cambridge) next May. That’s still a really long time away.

LeBron Broke the Rule – This video will make you feel dumb about caring for one sports team over another. (HT:Thabiti)

My people’s greatest need is for my own holiness

—Robert Murray M’Cheyne

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