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A La Carte (6/26)

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An Eye for an Eye – This is an interesting take on the “viral youtube video of grandmother and bus monitor Karen Klein being harassed and bullied to tears by small gang of seventh graders.” (Note: I don’t recommend watching the YouTube video at the end of the post)

Reliance – My friend Elisha describes an all-too-typical scene at family devotions and shows that the Lord worked even through chaos.

Darwinism at the End of Its Rope – Here’s a headline I like: Peer-Reviewed Paper Concludes that Darwinism ‘Has Pretty Much Reached the End of Its Rope.’ I am seeing more and more Darwinian infighting, something that can only be helpful in the end.

Answers – I recently wrote an article for Answers magazine from Answers in Genesis. They’ve made it freely available online if you’d like to give it a read. I deal with the question, “How can you believe in a God who would condemn people to suffer the torments of hell eternally? I reply with a question of my own: How can you believe in a God who would not?”

Marriage Defined – I don’t know that I’ve ever tried to define marriage before. Mike Leake takes a shot at it here and does quite a good job.

Our prayers run along one road and God’s answers by another, and by and by they meet.

—Adoniram Judson

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