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A La Carte (8/9)

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Congregations Gone Wild – An unusual op-ed from the Times: “The American clergy is suffering from burnout, several new studies show. And part of the problem, as researchers have observed, is that pastors work too much. Many of them need vacations, it’s true. But there’s a more fundamental problem that no amount of rest and relaxation can help solve: congregational pressure to forsake one’s highest calling.”

MSB ESV – Phil Johnson is one of the first to see a MacArthur Study Bible in the ESV and he gives up a little bit of information about it.

How Many Books In the World? – “How many books have ever been published in all of modern history? According to Google’s advanced algorithms, the answer is nearly 130 million books, or 129,864,880, to be exact.”

Gay Marriage – Carl Trueman has some interesting (and wise) things to say about gay marriage. “For people like myself, now in middle age, dislike of homosexuality came with the territory; our reasons for opposing it were more to do with our own cultural backgrounds than with any biblical argumentation. Our opinions on the issue may have happened to coincide at points with biblical teaching, but that was more by accident than design. We were basically bigots and we needed to change.”

NICOT Hosea – The New International Commentary on the Old Testament has just increased by one volume with the publication of Dearman’s commentary on Hosea. Westminster Books is offering a good discount on it (and even better deals when you buy more than one volume from the series).

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