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A La Carte (9/16)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Bizarre Puritan Names – Here is a collection of some of the best, worst, and strangest names the English Puritans came up with. Example: If-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-damned (who himself was the son of Praise-God Barebone).

Singing in Church – “It happened again yesterday. I was attending one of those hip, contemporary churches — and almost no one sang. Worshippers stood obediently as the band rocked out, the smoke machine belched and lights flashed. Lyrics were projected on the screen, but almost no one sang them. A few women were trying, but I saw only one male (other than the worship leader) making the attempt.”

The Last Time the House Breathed – Here is a poignant reflection on the end of beloved things.

10 Questions for Better Bible Study – Here are 7 + 3 questions you can (and usually should) ask when reading the Bible.

Why Should I Obey Jesus? – “I’ve heard people say that our reason for doing what God commands shouldn’t be the good things that might happen to us as a reward for obeying him. They say, ‘You should obey God because he is God, purely as an act of worship. Stop focusing on the reward!’ This sounds good, until you notice how many times Jesus also focused on reward we would receive if we follow his commands.”

4 Oxygen Tanks – “Jack barked with vigor that day, not wanting any harm to cross our threshold. Cancer had arrived silently, colorlessly, terminally, and he was on guard. I felt the same way: ‘Don’t open the door! No more strangers parading through! No more medical equipment dominating the environment! No more reminders of our life-and-death battle!’”

As the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, so the denial of God is the height of foolishness.

—R.C. Sproul

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