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A La Carte (April 17)


Well, yesterday we came to it at last. I asked my daughter to watch a few YouTube videos and then cut my hair. She did okay, I think. And even if she didn’t, who will ever see it anyway?

In the world of Kindle deals, I have listed a few. But also, Crossway has discounted basically their entire catalog, so I need to find a way of going through those hundreds of titles to highlight the best ones.

Westminster Books is doing some spring cleaning and offering some deep discounts on certain titles. (They are not on discount because they’re bad, but because they’re so good, they ordered heaps of them.)

Facing the Day

I appreciate the honesty of this post. “Sometimes just the prospect of facing another day in lockdown seems overwhelming. Today looks exactly the same as yesterday. Yesterday looked the same as the day before. And the tomorrows seem to stretch out ahead of me, with no prospect of a change let alone an end in sight. Wouldn’t it just be so much easier to say ‘NO’ to this day…to roll over and pull my duvet over my head and let life happen somewhere else?” (See also the excellent Sanctification in Quarantine.)

With Fear and Trepidation, Europe Leaves Coronavirus Lockdown

This article explains how various European countries are attempting different strategies to emerge from lockdown. “As countries unveil their ‘phase two’ plans, it is not the similarities between their strategies that is striking, but their differences.” (See also Should I Start Wearing a Facemask and Gloves?, written by Dr. Andrew Fabich at Answers in Genesis.)

How Talia’s Disabled Daughter Taught Her About the Love of God

Talia shares some of what she has learned about God’s love through her own love for her disabled daughter.

What Does the Holy Spirit Do?

David Qaoud provides a bare-bones list of what the Holy Spirit does. It’s a great launching point for further studies.

Is He Worthy? (Video)

You’ll enjoy this “quarantine edition” of the song “Is He Worthy?”

The Best Book Organizing Method Is to Not Organize Them

Here’s an argument for not organizing your books. I’m not sure I agree. “Is there a correct way to organize books? The unexpected debate about how to organize books gives us no less than 25 methods of book organization. With so many approaches, which is the best system to organize our books? Inundated with options, book lovers may be unable to identify the appropriate method for their own bookshelves. Yet, that may be precisely what is needed! Perhaps the best approach is to not organize your books.”

This is Australia-centric but still relevant beyond. Please ensure that in your desire to serve your church, you aren’t violating the law. “For most of us, we’re now all meeting through online streaming services. This presents some new challenges regarding copyright and licencing. In the face of such challenges, it can be tempting to adopt the attitude: it’s better to seek forgiveness than to ask for permission. Conversely, we might think that if we just stay ignorant that will keep our consciences clean. However, let me encourage you to not adopt either of these attitudes.”

Flashback: It’s Time To Break Free From the Algorithm-Driven Life

It’s time to face how much we stand to lose by living the algorithm-driven life. It’s time to break free.

Through death we may as well be nameless. We’re essentially waiting to be forgotten in time. But in Christ we are known eternally by the Father with the same intimacy and affection he has for his Son.

—Matt McCullough

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