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A La Carte (April 5)

A La Carte Friday 2

Grace and peace to you, my friends.

10ofThose has a couple of interesting deals: 50% off a new book on parenting teens by Melissa Kruger and between 35% and 50% off a new graphic novel on the life of Corrie ten Boom. They’ve also still got ESVs at half price.

Meanwhile, Westminster Books has deeply discounted a new book (more of a tract or booklet, really) by Kevin DeYoung.

Is the ‘Silent Treatment’ a Godly Approach to Conflict?

I think we all know that the “silent treatment” is not a godly approach to conflict, but it can sure feel like the way to act in the moment. “Though it may seem a lesser evil, this approach fails to align with the biblical requirement for resolving conflicts and nurturing a healthy marriage. A spouse who gives the silent treatment is likely to also engage in a broader cluster of similarly sinful behaviors—a pattern of behaviors first named during World War II.”

What Is a Biblical Man?

You may appreciate this reflection on manhood. “No longer are young men and boys being told to look towards Christ as their prime example of manliness. Instead, they are directed towards gyms, hard work, and raising children. These things might be good, in and of themselves, but they are not what the Bible teaches about manliness.”

How Viral Success Harms Your Humanity

This is so good. “We need more Christian content creators, but we don’t need more people who are only capable of beating one drum over and over again. We don’t need people who are only chasing the next viral hit. We don’t need people who get sucked into the distortion zone and lose themselves online. What we need is wise Christians who are rooted in their local community and bring their whole selves to what they create.”

Trumpite Evangelicalism or Bidenist Catholicism?

Carl Trueman: “Cultural times are hard for traditional Christians. American evangelicalism has proved a fruitful target for those both outside and inside the church who want to stir up popular panic about Christian nationalism, racism, homophobia, and all the other ill-defined but nonetheless mortal sins of our day. Evangelicalism is presented as the root of all contemporary evils.”

What Is Spiritual Warfare?

What a wonderful truth to ponder. “Key to our engaging in spiritual warfare is recognition that the victory is Christ’s and is ours in Christ. We do not fight for victory but in victory. The prelude to Jesus sending us out to make disciples is the declaration of His accomplished mission”

Don’t Fear the Results of Obedience

This is a very good rule to live by: Don’t fear the results of obedience.

Flashback: Why Should We Remember what God Forgets?

Though he has seen all the evil we have done and all the good we have left undone, still he has banished it all from his mind. He regards us as if we had never sinned, relates to us as if we had only ever been as righteous as Christ.

Christ did not come to make sinners savable but actually to save them. He did not merely open a door for salvation, he carried his people through it. He laid down his life that sinners might live.

—Jeremy Walker

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