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A La Carte (August 10)


Yesterday morning my family climbed aboard a plane and jetted off to Vancouver, B.C. (Shout-out to Air Canada and their air miles program!) We are here to explore, relax, and have fun as a family. What you read on the blog this week has been largely queued up in advance and includes a couple of guest articles I think you’ll enjoy. I’ll be back to business as usual next week. Kindle deals will be updated through the week.

Ten Things Pastors Love to Hear

Thom Rainer: “It is a simple question. What do you hear from your church members that gives you the greatest encouragement? The responses from the pastors were amazingly similar.”

The Tyranny of Pop Music

You may enjoy this little video about the utter tyranny of pop music. Even if you don’t agree with all of it, you’ll admire some of the one-liners.

Older Women, Teach Us to Pray

“Reluctance to pray publicly can arise for several reasons—fear of public speaking, awareness of spiritual weakness, lack of interest, ignorance of how to pray aloud—but it is always worth overcoming.”

Do I Have to Pray for Politicians I Oppose?

“With today’s ever-changing political environment, it is very easy to complain and not pray for our leaders. And, yes, many are deserving, sadly, of the comments they receive. Yet, the Bible tells us to pray for our leaders…”


Committed readers will want to grab (and read) the new issue of Themelios.

This Day in 1897. 119 years ago today, William Walsham How, known as “the poor man’s bishop” died in England. An Anglican clergyman, he authored the outstanding hymn “For All the Saints.” *

U.S.S. Enterprise

This fun little video shows the restoration of the U.S.S. Enterprise that was used in all 79 episodes of the original Star Trek television series.

Flashback: The Man Who Is Most Free

True freedom is not found in pursuing sin but in rejecting sin. The man who is most free is the one who is freed from the power of sin.


Surround yourself with people who feed your soul, not your ego.

—B.J. Thompson

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