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A La Carte (August 10)

There are no interesting Kindle deals today. You may be interested, though, in getting 50% off the Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible from Reformation Heritage Books.

Sex Should be Spiritual

“Porn culture has warped our idea of what sex is. It isn’t a union of two bodies and souls, but a chance to get what we want. Slowly the notion has crept into our minds that we need satisfaction by whatever means necessary, even in Christian marriage. So, we come to the sacred place where we should be experiencing a spiritual union with our spouse, and we bring along years’ worth of images and fantasies that have nothing to do with them.”

6 Quotes Spurgeon Didn’t Say

“You may be shocked to realize that Spurgeon didn’t say these six quotes often attributed to him.”

14 Months of Sleeping and Feeding

“If you’re a parent, you’ll relate to this right away. The wife of reddit user jitney86 tracked when their infant slept and ate from 3 to 17 months. It’s a lot of noise and randomness in the beginning, and then hallelujah the schedule starts to converge to something predictable.”

Coming Out As Fat

Trevin Wax tells about yet another new phenomenon: “Our society is entering the next phase that follows from our radical notions of human autonomy and freedom. There is no cosmic order, nothing essential about human nature, no objective truth, and no absolute morality. Freedom today means the individual can (and must) define his or her own reality. And, increasingly, the definition of love has been twisted into accepting an individual’s self-definition.”

I’ve Been Dancing With Her Ever Since

Here’s a sweet story by Jared Musgrove. He says, “Let me tell you a story that profoundly shaped my life and my view of what I wanted for my marriage.”

To Our Kids On the First Day of School

We’re still nearly a month away from the start of school, but I know that’s not the case everywhere.

We Are Done with Chemo and I’m a Little Afraid

“As of today, we are done with all chemo treatment. I can’t believe I’m actually writing this. On April 14, 2014, our family’s world was turned upside down when we were told our little 5 year old boy had Leukemia. I remember the first night in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, watching the nurse come into our room over and over again, switching out bags of blood and other medicines.”

Flashback: 5 Great Reasons to Memorize Scripture Today

There are few areas of the Christian life where there is a wider gap between what Christians want to do and what Christians actually do than in this area: memorizing Scripture. We all know that we should, we all have some appreciation of the benefits, and we would all love to be released from the guilt of doing it so little.

Faith is being honest with ourselves about God, repentance is being honest with God about ourselves.

—Joe Holland

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