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A La Carte (August 2)

I’ve arrived in Prince Edward Island, Canada’s smallest province, to speak at the annual Gospel Coalition Atlantic Canada conference. I look forward to a few days in one of my favorite places in the world.

Today’s Kindle deals include a few minor deals that are worth a peek.

9 Things You Should Know About the History of the Homeschooling Movement

Homeschooling is in the news after the New York Times ran a ridiculous op-ed. “While Stewart does not use the term ‘homeschool’ in her op-ed, she implies that parents who choose to educate their children outside of the public school system participate in a culture the promotes racism and theonomy.”

Four Stages of Evangelical Affirmation

Denny Burk traces the four stages of “evangelical affirmation” of gay marriage.

What Is the Unforgiveable Sin? (Video)

Tom Schreiner takes on a very common question: What is the unforgiveable sin and is it possible that I’ve committed it?

Bible Texts Prosperity Preachers Wish Did Not Exist

Conrad Mbewe: “If you survey the Bible you will not find a single verse that warns you against the detrimental spiritual effect of material poverty. Yet you will find many passages in the Bible warning you against the detrimental effects of wealth—and especially love for wealth. You never hear prosperity preachers preaching on such verses. It is as if their Bibles do not have such verses.”

Children Like Novelty

“Children like novelty. The spiritually immature will always be more excited about novel interpretations and new insights than they will be about old gospel truth.”

Calvin: Ministers Ought Not to Steal

Calvin made an interesting application of the fifth commandment to both pastors and parishioners.

Fighting Terror Online

YouTube is vowing to fight terror online, but it’s not hard to see how some of their new guidelines may be used to fight more than terror.

Flashback: An Angry God

God’s reaction to sin is the good and necessary, the absolute best and perfectly just reaction. He will not act rashly in anger but will act justly in wrath.

The future is as bright as the promises of God.

—Adoniram Judson

  • Bent Low

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