Why Does God Let Me Stay So Weak? – Mark Altrogge has a great answer.
David Platt Is IMB President – I’m not Southern Baptist so don’t fully understand the importance of David Platt being announced as president of the International Mission Board. But judging by the level of excitement among my Southern Baptist friends, it’s big news. See commentary by: J.D. Greear and Russell Moore.
5 Components of Effective Delegation – Matt Perman offers a look at an underappreciated skill: delegation.
Better Places to Send Your “Ice Bucket Challenge” Money – Gene Veith: ” The main beneficiary of the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ is the ALS Association. The problem with that group, though, is that they use a stem cell line from an aborted child. There are, however, other ALS research organizations that honor the sanctity of life.”
Creating a Culture of Evangelism – Here are some tips on creating a culture of evangelism within a church.