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A La Carte (December 18)


Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of books.

Interrelated Revelation

Here’s a good explanation of how special revelation and natural revelation relate to one another.

Occupation Growth and Decline

This chart shows which occupations have grown and which have declined over the decades.

Description: AccelerateBooks is hosting another giveaway. This time they’re giving away both the Puritan Paperbacks and Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ Romans set to one winner. It ends Jan. 1st, so don’t miss this!

Documents reveal Health Canada’s plan — and failure — to give Jack and Jill STIs on social media

What fascinates (and frustrates) me here is how many bureaucrats it takes to put together one ridiculous, immoral poem, and how they can still get it so wrong. This explains why our taxes are the way they are.

That Might Preach, But…

It might preach, but you shouldn’t preach it! “I once preached a sermon on the Magi where I dazzled the congregation. I walked them through the Magi’s gifts and explained their deeper meaning. Gold, of course, represented Jesus’ royalty. Incense his deity; and myrrh the looming spectre of his coming death.”

The Houston Astros Cheating Scandal, Explained (Video)

You’ve probably heard something about the scandal around the Houston Astros. Here’s a pretty good look at it all.

Favorite Science Photos of 2019

“An underwater glimpse of spawning salmon. A moon flying through Saturn’s rings. An artificial lung printed in a lab. These were some of our favorite Science images of 2019, curated from the thousands of photos that graced our website and magazine this year. Here are the pictures that captivated us the most.”

Whose Sermons Are Least Likely to Mention a Book of the Bible?

Here’s an interesting bit of analysis about who is preaching what.

Flashback: Please Don’t Give Them Porn for Christmas

This Christmas a lot of children will receive porn from under the tree. It’s not what they wanted, and not what their parents intended for them to have. But they will get it anyway.

It is our response to temptation that leads us down the path of righteousness or into the dead end of disobedience.

—Alistair Begg

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