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A La Carte (December 2)

Today’s Kindle deals include nothing new, unfortunately. However, they did update their monthly deals page which includes lots of titles spanning all genres.

Westminster Books has every Crossway ESV 50% off. Ligonier Ministries has the Reformation Study Bible at 50% off in both ESV and NKJV. It’s a good time to buy a Bible!

Logos has announced their Christmas Sale and deals. It includes a discount on MacArthur’s commentaries which are among my favorites. Click and scroll down…

Wildlife Photos of the Year

There are some stunning photos on display here.

Christian Women Don’t Always Submit

This one actually isn’t another article on leadership and submission. Rather, “The biggest problem with women and submission is too much of it in the wrong places. We willingly submit to the world’s rules.”

BuzzFeed Wants To Destroy Chip And Joanna Gaines

I linked to some articles on this story yesterday, but thought this one was good as well. “‘Christians might believe what Christians have always believed about homosexuality’ is not the most intriguing headline.” (Also, this excellent one from David French.)

Ingratitude, Ethics, and Porn?

Gratitude is more important than we think and ingratitude is more serious than we think. “The contrast Paul draws between the one who offers thanksgiving and one who worships idols is striking. A failure to be thankful is one of the distinguishing marks of unbelief.”


Get a fresh playlist of trusted teaching every day with RefNet’s 24-hour Christian Internet radio. Download the free app or listen online to hear the teaching of Alistair Begg, John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, John Piper, R.C. Sproul, and many others. You’ll also hear Bible readings, new briefs, audio books, music, and more. (Ligonier Ministries is this week’s site sponsor.)

This Day in 1882. 134 years ago today early missionary to Hawaii, Titus Coan, died. He resolved to meet each of the 16,000 people on Hilo island and saw many of them turn to Jesus. *

5 Christian Clichés That Need to Die

Yes, please!

You Can’t See This

You might enjoy this little video that discusses and displays certain optical illusions.

You Need to Explain What You Do on Sunday Mornings

“In our worship program (bulletin, Order of Service, Missional Framework for Gospel Centered Communal Experience… or whatever you like to call it) we not only include the complete liturgy, but also a section titled, ‘Why Do We Do That?’ This is a couple paragraphs explaining a different aspect of our worship each week. With people coming from different Christian traditions, or no Christian background at all, we believe it’s important to explain why we do what we do on the Lord’s Day.”

Flashback: The Counter-Cultural Vocation of Homemaking

I honor and respect my wife for the career choice she has made.


It is folly to cry out of the badness of the times when there is so much more reason to complain of the badness of our hearts.

—Charles Bridges

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