Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of new titles. It seems that publishers are easing up on deals in the lead-up to Christmas.
O Disrupted Night
George Guthrie shows that while we may have cozy feelings about the Christmas story, “to ‘get’ what is going on as the gospels tell about the birth of Jesus, we need to read more carefully, folding a deeper hearing of the story into our experiences of Christmas.” This is an excellent article!
Incarnation Through Middle-Eastern Eyes
“Our perspectives of Christmas are hugely shaped by cultural assumptions. For those of us in the West, our traditions are largely a very recent creation, only a century or so old.” This article looks at Jesus’s incarnation through a different lens.
The Christmas Music Chord (Video)
This little video shows how a certain chord is used in popular Christmas songs. It’s what makes Christmas songs Christmassy.
Drop Everything and Read
I like Darryl’s advice. While it’s targeted first at pastors, it’s applicable to everyone. Make time to read!
The Next Big Platform
Some people believe that within a couple of years 30% of our interactions with computers will be by voice—a massive change. Amazon’s “Alexa-enabled Echo is a true unicorn, one of those rare products that arrives every few years and fundamentally changes the way we live. In 2017, we will start to see that change.”
This Day in 1531. 485 years ago today Heinrich Bullinger accepted the pulpit of Zurich, emptied by the death of Zwingli in battle. *
Supporters Rally to Russell Moore
I’ve been waiting for someone to summarize this issue. WORLD came through. “On Monday, The Wall Street Journal reported on a possible backlash against Moore for his steadfast and public opposition to Trump on moral grounds. Some critics want to withhold funds from the ERLC over claims Moore denigrated Trump supporters, not just the candidate. Some questioned how effective Moore would be in the Trump era.”
The Baby in the Plastic Bag
This is a (very) longform article, but an exceptionally interesting one. It all begins with finding a baby in a plastic bag.
A Brief Economic History of Time
Here’s an excellent article on the history of time. “Capitalism changed how humans perceive the passage of hours, days, and weeks. This made people more productive, but did it make them any happier?”
Do You Need to Repent of Book Hoarding?
Jim Elliff draws an application from a well-known passage of the Bible: “Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance of books does his life consist of his library.”
Flashback: Looking for a Few FAT Men
The pastor is to select some—and only some—of the men in his care to receive special attention and training because these are the men to whom he will entrust the gospel and the future of the Christian faith. But how will a pastor know what kind of man to choose?