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A La Carte (December 28)

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The God of love and peace be with you today.

Westminster Books has announced a new book and podcast that may be of interest to many.

Several of today’s Kindle deals look quite interesting.

Death: A Wasp Without a Stinger

“Bees are like death. People may not fear bees like I do, but Scripture tells us that everyone is held captive by their fear of being stung by death.” Dan Brewer has a meaningful reflection on grief here. (He quotes me, which is always a bit odd to link to, but anyway…)

Should Christians Drink Alcohol?

I have read a good many answers to this question over the years and am often disappointed in them. But I found this article by Le Ann Trees very solid.

Leading Your Family Out of the Post-Holiday Blues

Chris Lynch says that the post-holiday blues are a thing—and that they bring opportunity. “As dads, we have a golden opportunity amidst these gloomy days to direct our families to reasons for joy and anticipation. Indeed, it’s more than an opportunity; it’s a responsibility.”

Everything Is Going Wrong in the World?

Sometimes it feels like everything is going wrong in the world. But is it? Randy Alcorn channels a little G. Campbell Morgan here to call us to stop our whining.

I Always Wanted a Brother

“I always wanted a brother. I have two wonderful sisters whom I love dearly. But I saw the way they interacted with one another, their deep bond as sisters. I wanted similar. Though I have been a Christian for a while it was only in the last year or so that I realised I have not been missing out.” James Galea explains over at TGC Australia.

How to Cultivate and Develop Student Leaders

“If faithful youth leaders want students to become disciples of Jesus who go and make disciples, this … implies that we influence and develop them to become leaders in the church and the world for the Kingdom of God. But how can we do this? We can develop leaders in our student ministry in these two ways: casting a biblical vision of leadership and cultivating a system for leadership.” Those who work with students may benefit from reading Andrew Slay’s thoughts.

Flashback: Strength = Good, Weakness = Bad

Consider all the ways you were weak in the year that is now behind us. Consider how God can and will work in you in the year ahead if only you will be weak. Make this the year where you will rejoice in weakness so you can rely on God’s strength.

We…don’t seem fearful enough, not nearly as exasperated or concerned about the certain and dreadful end of our unbelieving neighbors as we should be.

—Elliot Clark

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