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A La Carte (December 28)

If I Suffered, It Was Worth It

“Last week I read an article called “Should the Children Suffer?” It’s about a missionary father’s struggle to trust God with the suffering his children are experiencing on the mission field.” This response comes from Amy, who grew up the child of missionaries and who is now a missionary herself.

Parenting in an Age of Awfulness

Here’s an interesting take on problems in today’s parenting.

Your Meeting Should Have Been an Email

This article shows three indicators that you probably could have just written some emails instead of calling for a meeting.

Performance Enhancing Drugs

Al Jazeera carried out an investigation of performance-enhancing drugs and posted a very interesting documentary to YouTube. Do note that there is quite a lot of bleeped-out swearing in it.

This Day in 1065. Even though it was incomplete, Westminster Abbey was dedicated 950 years ago today. *

Lordship Is Not Legalism

“Denying yourself and submitting to King Jesus, then, is true countercultural living. And though it may look like legalism to the world, submitting to his authority is in fact liberty—shocking, unexpected, subversive liberty.”

Trustworthy Teaching on the New Apple TV

Ligonier Ministries announces an app for the new Apple TV.

The Christmas Revolution

“Because the Christmas story has been told so often for so long, it’s easy even for Christians to forget how revolutionary Jesus’ birth was.” Fancy reading that in the New York Times.


People don’t fall out of love. They fall out of repentance and forgiveness.

—Ligon Duncan

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