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A La Carte (February 12)

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Using A Theological Dictionary for Word Studies – You may enjoy this article from Patrick Schreiner as he looks at how to use a theological dictionary.

Why Is the Number of the Beast 666? – TGC asks the question of Greg Beale. And speaking of Beale, Westminster Books has his new, abbreviated commentary on Revelation discounted today. (Note: Beale’s full commentary on Revelation is regarded as one of the best, so this abbreviation should be excellent.)

God Likes You – It’s such a sweet truth: God doesn’t only love you; he also likes you.

The Hidden Network – BBC writes about the hidden network that runs the world.

The Receiving End of Grace – So true: Brian Williams has fallen from grace, and now he needs grace.

The Rightful Heir? – “How do you respond to people who locate the gay rights movement within the civil rights tradition?” Jonathan Leeman answers.

The Shadow Eclipsed by the Substance – You will enjoy reading Erik’s meditation on the cross of Christ.


Preach one Christ by Christ to the praise of Christ.

—William Perkins

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