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A La Carte (February 2)


The God of love and peace be with you today.

Logos users, you will want to take a look at this month’s free and nearly free books.

Today’s Kindle deals include quite a nice collection of titles.

(Yesterday on the blog: What the Father Gives, We Must Receive)

Four Tips for Communicating the Gospel to Roman Catholics

Leonardo De Chirico has plenty of authority here. “Here are four tips which could be of some help in engaging Roman Catholics with the gospel. They are neither a four-step process nor a recipe for success. They are rather lessons that I have learned over the years in sharing the gospel with Roman Catholics.”

Generous Patience

“For humans to become what God made us to be requires one of the greatest generosities of all: the generosity of patience. What is patience but pure generosity?”

John Witherspoon and Slavery

Kevin De Young has a long and interesting look at the life and legacy of John Witherspoon. In particular, he looks at his view on slavery.

They Gave Us New Names

I love how this article comes all together at the end. “Many missionaries experience the honor of being renamed by those in their host culture. This is often a kind act of respect and acceptance on the part of the locals. And, depending on the name itself, it can be a gift the missionary holds onto for years to come.”

Say “Father”

“When you pray, say, ‘Our Father in heaven….’ Familiar words. You can probably quote the prayer. Maybe you have noticed how it starts with one address, asks two things regarding the Father, and then three things regarding the family. Let’s ponder the ‘address’ some more. ‘Our Father in heaven.’”

Striving for Warm Complementarianism in a Cold, Mostly Egalitarian World

Benjamin explains what he means when he advocates a warm complementarianism.

Flashback: Our Hearts and Minds Turned Outward

There is no time in human history in which it has been easy to display humility and no time in which it has been difficult to display pride. The challenge of social media is new only in the speed through which we can display such folly and only in the extent of the damage we can do through it.

We should all want our churches to be moving forward, growing and changing, conforming more with the image of Christ. But we shouldn’t let that image get in the way of loving our church where it is.

—Jared C. Wilson

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