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A La Carte (February 5)


Good morning! The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include a handful of books.

A Letter to the Premiers of the Provinces and Territories of Canada

I’d co-sign this letter if I could. “While we admit that for the most part, pastors and religious leaders are not experts in epidemiology, we do dare to claim a certain insight into the human condition and the tremendous social, personal and spiritual costs associated with our current strategy and lockdown protocols. We write this letter to you so as to provide you with the best information possible when it comes time to reevaluate our approach.”

8 Variations of Selfish Preaching

Even something as noble as preaching can be done with ignoble motives as Peter Mead explains here.

Closing With Christ

Jim Elliff comments on a too-common evangelistic method. “This pattern has been passed down and repeated because few are taking the necessary time to examine both its flight from Scriptural precedent and precept and its dismal effect. When asked to give more careful consideration to its content and outcome, however, we are finding that many, thankfully, are rejecting this inept structure in favor of a better, more biblical one.”

The Promise With No Fine Print

Many promises seem to good to be true (precisely because they are too good to be true). But not this one.

Travel Photographer of the Year

There is lots of beauty to behold in this gallery from Travel Photographer of the Year awards.

Cheetah Cub Defends Its Starving Family from a Vicious Hyena (Video)

The headline of this one is maybe a little bit of an oversell, but it’s not far from the truth. It’s a neat video.

The Grace of Good Rebuke

“How we give and receive rebuke reveals more about us than we might first realize. When was the last time someone rebuked you, and how did you respond? When was the last time you needed to rebuke someone? How did you respond?”

Flashback: The Myself I Was Yesterday

From a young age boys invariably receive one very unhelpful message: that men can be friends, but that there are strict, though unwritten, limits on how close a friendship they can have. Boys are taught that friendships are good, but that friendships can only grow to such an extent before they are good no longer.

Theological zeal must be subjected to the test of love. Not all zeal is from God. Even when the error we oppose is a deadly heresy, our aim must be to heal, not to disgrace.

—Gavin Ortlund

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