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A La Carte (January 10)

Today’s Kindle deals include quite a few good books. B&H has many of their Perspectives titles on sale and they are worth checking out. Be sure to also consider Packer’s book on holiness and Matt Papa’s excellent Look and Live.

The Dangers of Acting Like You Are Married

There are certain dangers in acting married before you’re married. Jordan Standridge outlines some of them here.

Believing in the Somehow

Here’s a powerful, comforting article from Melissa Edgington. “We heard the unmistakable sound of human anguish. We walked over a few aisles and saw her sitting there, surrounded by a small crowd. Her weathered hands covered her face, and beneath her fingers, twisted with age, she cried out.”

I Got Gay Married. I Got Gay Divorced. I Regret Both.

Denny Burk points to and comments on an interesting article. “She admits that she and her partner never wanted the norms of marriage, but only the rights of marriage. As a result, she regrets her gay marriage only because it made breaking-up more difficult. Divorces are expensive and messy, and it turns out that both marriage and divorce cramped her gender-fluid ‘dexterity at turning friends into lovers and vice versa.’”

The iPhone Is Slowing Apple Down

If you’re interested in tech, you’ll probably be interested in this: “After 10 years, the iPhone can no longer serve as Apple’s growth engine. The company now faces the same challenge it did a decade ago: figuring out what’s next.”

10 Things You Should Know about Revival

Do I need to repeat that I’m a fan of Sam Storm’s ongoing “10 Things” series? This time around he turns his attention to revival.

How To Master Your Sense of Smell (Video)

This video explains that few of us get close to using our complete sense of smell and explains how we can use it to fuller effect.

This Day in 1739. 277 years ago today revivalist George Whitefield was ordained to the Anglican ministry. Being denied the use of pulpits, Whitefield took to open-air preaching. His booming voice, it was reported, could be heard a mile away. *

How Long Should Dress Pants Be?

Let reason and good taste prevail. Let your pants graze the top edge of your shoes.

What Christianity Alone Offers Transgender Persons

Sam Allberry: “The gospel is always good news—for everyone. It strikes me that there are two particular insights the gospel can offer that might form the starting point of our response.”

Flashback: In the Hands of the Communists

“It was a dreary December day in the city of Tsingteh when John and Betty heard a rumor that Communist soldiers were drawing near to the city. The Communists were battling for control of the country and, of course, hated Christians or anyone else who would bring Western influence to their country. At the time the missionaries were not concerned…”

One of the greatest sins for which we need to ask forgiveness is not believing God has forgiven us.

—Burk Parsons

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