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A La Carte (January 17)

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As I was putting together today’s A La Carte, I was struck by what a privilege it is to be able to collect such good articles day by day and them share them with you. So my gratitude goes to both the writers and the readers!

Today at Westminster Books you can get a good deal on a book meant to help you both memorize and retain Scripture.

There are some new Kindle deals today.

AI and the Forces of Darkness

This is a fascinating and thought-provoking article about AI. It calls Christians to be aware that there are forces of darkness in this world that are more than merely passive spectators in this world and its new technologies.

Hate the Sin and Love the Sinner?

Can you hate the sin and love the sinner? And can God? Mark Jones swims in some deep theological waters in this article.

Three Reasons the Old Testament Is More Important Than You Think

Michael Kruger: “What are we to do with this pesky Old Testament? Some pastors (as hard as it is to believe) have insisted that the best option before us is to kick it to the curb. The quicker we get rid of the OT the better. Others are less strident in their solution. While we shouldn’t kick the OT out of our Bibles, maybe we can at least ignore it or play it down. In the mist of these discussions, I think it’s worth taking a deep breath and stepping back for a moment to remind ourselves of the big picture.”

Why Do I Feel Spiritually Lifeless?

Casey McCall shares some helpful thoughts on those times you feel spiritually lifeless. “As people of faith, we recount times in our lives when we felt especially close to Christ and found intense delight in disciplines like prayer and Bible reading. We grow puzzled when those same disciplines feel like drudgery, and forces in life seem to conspire together to hide the joy of Christ’s presence and make those earlier experiences a distant memory.”

The Irreplaceable Encouragement of Intergenerational Relationships

Amanda Duvall shares some of the encouragement she has gained from intergenerational relationships. “I am privileged to have friendships with women who live out the example of Titus 2 that I’ve longed to see. And it is not their own brilliance or expertise that shines, but the way they lift my eyes from the false hope of self-focus to behold what is truly good—Jesus Christ.”

The Servant and the Undeserved Gift

Sandra Jantzi celebrates an undeserved gift and a humble servant.

Flashback: What Does It Mean To Trust God in Our Trials?

Some days we have all the boldness of Peter and other days all the hesitation of Thomas. On some days we proclaim, “I believe” but on others we plead, “please help my unbelief.” 

When grief is really bad, it’s a reflection of a love that was really great.

—Granger Smith

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