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A La Carte (January 2)

Today’s Kindle deals include all kinds of good books. Be sure to check the deals from yesterday, too, if you weren’t checking in on the holiday.

If you’re looking for a new devotional, Westminster Books has you covered with some new deals.

How To Be Happy This Year (Hint: It’s Not Complicated)

Stephen Altrogge writes about how to be happy this coming year. It’s not all that complicated.

Bearing the Burdens of the Broken

“Think about the metaphor of a literal burden. If someone is struggling to carry a duffle bag that weighs 100 pounds, how do you help them? You take one end, and they take the other. Now, no one is carrying the 100 pounds by himself; each one is carrying 50 pounds. In other words, in order to help that person, some of the burden has to fall upon you. This is precisely how we should relate to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.”

In this article Thom Rainer does what Thom Rainer does so well: Keeps an eye on the church and points out some trends.

Corporate America’s Strange New Gospel

“‘Mindfulness,’ a meditation practice that is in essence Buddhism without Buddha, is everywhere in corporate America and celebrity culture.” This interesting article looks at mindfulness as the latest trend in the vein of self empowerment and prosperity gospel.

How Great (and Gentle) is our God!

“As we enter 2018, news headlines warn us about North Korean nuclear missiles, terrorists using drones to launch chemical and biological attacks, artificial intelligence taking over the human race, another housing bubble bursting and the stock-market crashing, and on and on it goes. The dangers are great and our defenses are weak. So let’s turn from media headlines to biblical headlines in order to correct our worldview and enter 2018 in a more peaceful and trusting spirit.”

Is Jesus an Imperialist?

Here’s a too-brief article on religion and empire. “There was a time in American history when missions advocates had no hesitation about combining the agendas of evangelism, ‘civilization,’ and even empire.” The same would be true, of course, of the British empire.

Participation versus Speculation in Worship (Video)

According to this brief video, “When we approach church as a consumer, we diminish the transformational power of participation in the gathering.”

Flashback: I’m Complementarian and I Read Books By Women

As God gives gifts to both genders, so does he supply the ability to use those gifts. Women can handle the Word of God every bit as capably as men.

With power and responsibility must come accountability. A leader without accountability is an accident waiting to happen.

—Albert Mohler

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