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A La Carte (July 1)


Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians! I hope and trust it will be a restful, celebratory kind of day.

Today’s Kindle deals include a long list of solid works like Costi Hinn’s God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel as well as books by MacArthur, Stott, Zacharias, and others. You may also want to sort through Amazon’s collection of monthly general market deals.

Memory, Monuments, Morality, and Mayhem: The Burden of Reckoning with Historical Symbols

Al Mohler: “Across the nation, crowds topple monuments and remove statue after statue. Conversations abound about the names of army bases, endowed university chairs, parks and street names—it is a controversy about names, and it has gripped many countries around the world, especially the United States. From a Christian worldview, this massive issue comes down to four words: memory, monuments, morality, and mayhem. These are all part of the story.”

A Special Birthday

So sweet…

Why the US Has So Many Filipino Nurses (Video)

This video explains why the US (and not just the US) has so many Filipino nurses. There’s quite a history to it…

Be Quick to Listen and Slow to Think

There’s wisdom in being quick to listen and slow to think. “For Christians who seek to apply the message of James 1:19, let me urge this: Be quick to listen, and slow to think. Slow thinking doesn’t mean no thinking and it certainly doesn’t suggest superficial thinking. When we slow down to think, we actually take time to create arguments and thoughts that might change the world and not change the moment.”

Why Some Christian Leaders Don’t Post About Current Events on Social Media

Speaking of being quick to listen and slow to think (and speak), David Qaoud has written a good article about why some pastors don’t use social media to discuss current events. “In a word — pressure. That’s how many Christian leaders feel about having to post about current events on social media. But it shouldn’t be this way.”

Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor

Pastors and ministry leaders may want to look at the new edition of the 9Marks Journal which, as you may surmise from the title, is all about the work and character of a pastor.

How Church History Will Help You Defend the Faith

Michael Haykin explains how church history helps the task of defending the faith today. “The early centuries of the church saw Christianity threatened by a number of theological heresies: Gnosticism, Arianism, and Pelagianism, to name but three. While history never repeats itself exactly, the essence of many of these heresies has reappeared from time to time in the long history of Christianity.”

Flashback: Services Shaped Like an Hourglass

We begin our service distracted, narrow our focus to Jesus Christ, then broaden our gaze to living in this world for God’s glory. We do it again the next week, and again the week after that.

Prayer is the forerunner of mercy. Turn to sacred history, and you will find that scarcely ever did a great mercy come to this world unheralded by supplication.

—Charles Spurgeon

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