Free from ChristianAudio this month is Lion of Bablyon by Davis Bunn, while Logos’ free book of the month is The Righteousness of Faith According to Luther by Hans J. Iwand. Also, I just happened to notice that Amazon has a whole lot of summer-fun-themed toys and games on sale today.
7 Ways to Love Your Pastor – Here’s a good list of ways to love your pastor.
Why Hobby Lobby Matters – Here’s Russell Moore on what yesterday’s Hobby Lobby ruling matters. Al Mohler has written about it as well.
Ghostwriting – Ghostwriting is in the news again in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s new book.
Desktop Wallpaper – Here is this month’s free desktop wallpaper and calendars. There’s also a $50 Amazon gift card to be won…
No Greater Gospel – Tabletalk interviews Dave Furman who has planted a church in Dubai (and an excellent too, from what I could see the one day I worshipped there!).
Push Through the Awkward – Yes, just push through the awkward and do the right thing.