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A La Carte (July 13)

Logos users will want to take note that John MacArthur’s commentaries are finally available again.

Self-Disclosure in Dating

Winston Smith offers brief, wise counsel on self-disclosure while dating.

Josh Harris Rethinks His Approach To Courtship

NPR did a brief feature on Josh Harris and discussed his updated views on dating and courtship.

When a Pastor Is Also a Police Officer

I enjoyed this interview: “I’m a pastor at a mid-sized suburban church as well as a deputy sheriff in the same area. By day, I have the joy of leading people to follow Jesus. By night, I’m a public servant, performing the standard duties of a patrol officer—from answering 911 calls to patrolling to providing presence in the community to assisting people.”

Two Kinds of Voting, Two Kinds of Disruption, and Two Kinds of Unrighteousness

I am linking to this article because I saw a number of people I respect say very positive things about it.

Five Questions to Ask Before You Consume Cannabis

Recent developments “that Christians will need to think more carefully about marijuana than most of us have until now. Not everyone will be tempted to consume pot, but most everyone will be in a position to advise someone who is considering it.”

This Day in 1813. 203 years ago today, Adoniram and Anne Judson first laid eyes on Rangoon, Burma. It would be five years before the Judsons baptized their first convert. *

How Jeff Bezos Is Hurtling Toward World Domination

Here’s an interesting one on the rise and dominance of Amazon. “Today, the question is not whether Amazon can survive but whether we can survive without Amazon.”

Pastors, Let Your Deacons Serve

Matt Capps wisely addresses a very common issue.

Flashback: How We Do Family Devotions

I wrote this to give an idea of how to do family devotions and to show how simple it can be.


Everything that God does to His people is all love. Sometimes the love is a little disguised, but the love is always there.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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