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A La Carte (July 25)

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Myths and Misreporting with MH17 – Some of the things you’ve heard about the Malaysian Airlines flight shot down last week are not true.

Marrying Young – Here are five reasons why getting married young can be a good thing.

Why the Last 5 Years Have Disappeared – I’m not sure if I buy this or not. But it would explain a thing or two. “The symmetry of clocks lulls us into believing that time is a fixed commodity, but studies indicate that’s not the way it’s experienced. Time speeds up as we age. And the older you get, the more quickly it appears to vanish.”

The Myth of God’s Silence – This is good stuff from Ed Welch: “If the Father appeared and spoke with us face to face, his words would have no more weight in our hearts than the ones he has already spoken. If we find his words in Scripture to fall short, we would also find his personal visitation unsatisfactory.”

22 Facts About Sleep – Here are 22 facts about sleep.

The Border Crisis Personalized – Ronnie Floyd: “The news stories and pictures of the border crisis in Texas all became personalized for me on Tuesday. The children and young people we saw are real children and real young people.”


The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety.

—George Muller

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