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A La Carte (June 13)

Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty solid list of Christian titles; also, you’ll find that Amazon has a list of business titles for sale today only.

10 Things You Should Know about Jonathan Edwards

Just like the title says, a handy list of 10 things you ought to know about the great theologian.

When the Chariot of Guilt Rolls Into Town

“It is spiritually deadly to assuage that guilt by quickly cobbling together a patchwork quilt of our own merit. We become like a guy whose house is burning down and is scurrying to grab the valuables. Instinctively, we grab our morality, spiritual disciplines, and legacy of faithfulness. We then run out of the house set aflame by guilt but realize everything we are carrying is burned up. It has no value. It can’t remove guilt after all.”

A Year After Orlando

A year after the PULSE club shootings, Michael Aitcheson writes about his ministry experiences in the area. “Following news of the tragedy I gathered with a group of local pastors to prayer. Afterward, a few of us drove over to ground zero to listen, learn and pray. Our hope was to gain a better understanding of the tragedy, meet someone directly impacted and discern how we can be better ministers of the Gospel to our city. Our findings were sad, eye opening, and hopeful.”

‘Born That Way’? Really?

Rod Dreher looks at some interesting data: “The nurturing that culture provides does make a big difference. Therefore, for communities who wish for their children to remain heterosexual, to form heterosexual marital unions, traditional families, etc., neutrality on the matter of sexuality will result in five to eight times as many people claiming homosexuality or bisexuality as would have otherwise been the case.”

The Genius of Marie Curie (Video)

She was one of a kind, wasn’t she?

Expect More From Young Men

“To expect a man in his twenties to remain jobless, uneducated, and unmarried while devoting his energy, employing his ingenuity, and exercising his creativity surfing the web or playing video games is to expect nothing from him. And to expect nothing from someone is the worst kind of insult.”

The Secularist Media War Against the Ark

It’s interesting to read how the media has been covering AiG’s Ark Encounter. If this coverage is representative, it’s ridiculous and unfair.

Flashback: How to Avoid the Worst Form of Failure

We are so tempted to throw away all the big things to succeed at the lesser things. But we can’t deny it: Succeeding at lesser things at the cost of the greater things is the worst form of failure.

As the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, so the denial of God is the height of foolishness.

—R.C. Sproul

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