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A La Carte (June 15)


May the God of love and peace be with you today.

There’s an eclectic little list of Kindle deals today.

(Yesterday on the blog: This Broken, Beautiful World)

Should We Quote the Bible to Non-Christians?

George Sinclair asks the question in a Canadian context, but it extends far beyond our borders. “It is rarely talked about, but many Christians today would say that you should not quote the Bible to a non-Christian. They might say that people who quote the Bible to non-Christians are being foolish since we no longer live in a Christian culture. In reflection and response, I would like to offer four comments on biblical evangelism.”

By Design

After losing her sense of smell through a bout with COVID-19, Susan Lafferty reflects on the complexity of God’s design (for the body and the church).

The Ark of the Covenant in its Egyptian Context

This article from Biblical Archaeology compares and contrasts the Ark of the Covenant to some similar objects from the ancient Egyptian world.

The Most Effective Technology on the Planet to Block Pornography

Justin Taylor highlights a new and apparently highly effective technology meant to prevent access to pornography.

The First Church Discipline in 1,000 Years

“Locals have a very aggressive way of pruning their fruit trees. At the very end of fall, the old men with their sickle sticks make their rounds again – and leave the trees naked for the winter. We were not in our current house this past winter, but we saw the effects of the lack of pruning on our loquat tree. Yes, this late spring it had several weeks of the yellow/orange fruit. It was fun while it lasted. One morning I triumphantly plucked my breakfast straight from the tree. But the neighbors’ trees had four times as much fruit for twice as long!”

The Viral Math Trick Everyone’s Talking About

I’m no good at math, but I do find a kind of symmetrical beauty to it.

Who Does Romans 7 Depict? (Video)

It’s a very common question and I appreciate the way Derek Thomas and Steve Lawson answer it here.

Flashback: The Things You Think You Can Handle On Your Own

The things I neglect to pray about are the things I believe I can handle on my own, the things for which I don’t think I need God’s wisdom, perspective, or intervention.

If there is one single molecule in this universe running around loose, totally free of God’s sovereignty, then we have no guarantee that a single promise of God will ever be fulfilled.

—R.C. Sproul

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