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A La Carte (June 21)


Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good selection of books and booklets.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Greatest Treasure of Church History)

Life as a Vapor

Many people have been wondering how Paul Washer has been doing since his heart attack. Here’s a recent update he wrote for his ministry.

Differences Between the God of the Qur’an & the God of the Bible

“You’ve probably heard it said ‘All of the Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—they all worship the same God.’ More and more today, we hear such things from the mouths and tweets of idealized and uninformed westerners. However, such thinking is a hazardous ignorance. The Qur’an does not believe that Allah (the God of the Qur’an) and the God of Christianity are the same. Many Qur’anic teachers do not believe that they are the same. And neither do biblically thinking Christians.”

Revoice in Their Own Voice

Lots of people are talking about the upcoming Revoice conference. There’s been a lot of controversy about it and about what the speakers believe about homosexuality. Colin Smothers took the time to look at what they’ve written in the past. It’s a very helpful resource.

Can Women be Pastors or Deacons? (Video)

Can women be pastors or deacons? Dr. Stephen Wellum answers in this short video.

The World’s Most Valuable Brands, in One Chart

This is a great visualization of the world’s most powerful brands. Not surprisingly, tech brands dominate.

Someone Needs Your Second Language

And this is exactly why we chose to enroll our kids in French schools: “If God’s chosen people are going to hear and receive the gospel, many of us will have to learn a second language. Through my studies and struggles, I have stumbled on five ways God is glorified in the process of learning languages to reach the lost of every tribe, nation, and tongue.”

The Courage to Be Reformed

Be sure to read Burk Parsons on Reformed theology. “Reformed theology is an all-encompassing theology. It changes not only what we know, it changes how we know what we know. It not only changes our understanding of God, it changes our understanding of ourselves. Indeed, it not only changes our view of salvation, it changes how we worship, how we evangelize, how we raise our children, how we treat the church, how we pray, how we study Scripture—it changes how we live, move, and have our being. Reformed theology is not a theology that we can hide, and it is not a theology to which we can merely pay lip service.”

Flashback: God Does Not Owe Us a Happy Ending

We all desire happy endings to our suffering. Of course we do. But God does not owe us a happy ending and he does not owe us the answers.

People are most similar to God when he is the object of their affection. People should delight in God, as he does in himself.

—Edward Welch

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