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Explore June 2018

  • weekend

    Weekend A La Carte (June 30)

    There are some pretty good Kindle deals to explore today on books new and old. (Yesterday on the blog: Tips for Reading and Writing) William Cowper “There’s something about Cowper’s sensitive spirit and his familiarity with suffering that led him to create beautiful hymns and poems, hymns that reflect the mercy and faithfulness of what…

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    Free Stuff Fridays (Crossway)

    This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Crossway, who also sponsored the blog this week. They are giving away a brand new Bible that I think will be of a lot of interest to you: Christian Ethics by Wayne Grudem. There will be five winners this week and each will receive a copy of…

  • ask me anything Zambia

    Ask Me Anything Zambia: Tips for Reading and Writing

    While in Zambia for my recent EPIC trip, I held an Ask Me Anything event at Central Africa Baptist College. Here are a couple of the questions and answers: one concerns the relationship between reading and writing, and the other asks for practical tips to become a better reader. I hope you find the answers…

  • friday

    A La Carte (June 29)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some old stuff, some new stuff, and some stuff that fits nicely between. (Yesterday on the blog: Why You Won’t Make It Without Armor) Three People Who Through Suffering Became Extraordinary “Seeing positive outcomes of some suffering should lead us to trust that God can bring good from all suffering.” Randy…

  • Why You Won’t Make It Without Armor

    At some point every Christian learns about the armor of God, the spiritual weaponry through which we are able to resist the relentless attacks of Satan as he seeks to destroy us. According to Ephesians 6, we are to fasten on the belt of truth, put on the breastplate of righteousness, take up the shield…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (June 28)

    Today’s Kindle deals include this and that. Also, I really like the sound of this new Preacher’s Catechism which Westminster Books has on sale. (Yesterday on the blog: Reformed Theology: More than Five Points ) Fighting Sin with Greater Joy Here’s a reminder of Fighting Sin 101: “I have learned that the most lasting and…

  • Reformed Theology: More than Five Points

    The last few years have seen a great resurgence of interest in Reformed theology. It went from very much in the background of Christianity to being very much in the mainstream. Suddenly it was on the cover of Christianity Today and TIME and was the theme of hundreds of books and blogs. People across the…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (June 27)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a number of books you’ll probably want to at least look over. You may want to check out this week’s deals from Westminster Books. (Yesterday on the blog: Ask Me Anything Zambia: Writing and Productivity) How the Catholic Church Became Roman “How does Christ construct his church? One answer is suggested…

  • ask me anything Zambia

    Ask Me Anything Zambia: Writing and Productivity

    While in Zambia during a recent EPIC trip, I held an Ask Me Anything event at Central Africa Baptist College. Here are a couple of the questions and answers: one concerns how to become a writer people will read, and the other is about how to maintain productivity in work. The answer is slightly ironic…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (June 26)

    My sincere gratitude goes to all who sent along notes and tweets yesterday in response to my “Wee Health Update.” I’m so very thankful. There are a few Kindle deals to explore for those who are interested. Faithful Are the Wounds of a Friend Here’s a good word on friendship: “An exhorting friendship is not…

  • 10 Things You Should Know about Christian Ethics

    This sponsored post by Wayne Grudem is correlated with the release of his new book Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning, in which Grudem distills over forty years of teaching experience into a single volume aimed at helping readers apply a biblical worldview to difficult ethical issues, including wealth and poverty, marriage and…

  • A Wee Health Update

    Hi, everyone. This is Aileen writing today. On behalf of Tim I wanted to let you know that the ongoing issue with the nerves in his arms has flared up badly over the past week. He is also having some issues with his back—we are not sure if the two are directly related although we…

  • monday

    A La Carte (June 25)

    Today’s Kindle deals include the usual list of books from Crossway, plus a few other good selections. (Yesterday on the blog: Letters to the Editor (Video Games, Christian Books, Prosperity Gospel, etc)) Context Matters: Valley of Dry Bones “Context matters. If we learn to read the Bible for what it is—and not as a collection…

  • Letters to the Editor

    Letters to the Editor (Video Games, Christian Books, Prosperity Gospel, etc)

    I continue to receive letters from readers. Here is a small collection of them commenting on my articles or videos on video games, Jesus, marriage, the prosperity gospel church, and God’s hatred for sexual immorality. I hope you enjoy them! Letters on Do Your Children Play Video Games? One comment I would add to your…

  • Weekend A La Carte (June 23)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some pretty good books that cross lots of categories. (Yesterday on the blog: 10 Books Every Christian Should Read) Are Southern Baptists Turning Into Feminists? Denny Burk replies to an article in the New York Times suggesting that Southern Baptists are becoming feminists. Verses for Your Conversations with Mormons “As I…

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    Free Stuff Fridays (Cruciform Press)

    This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Cruciform Press. Getting to know that special someone naturally involves learning about family and friends, education and athletics, favorite pastimes, and your hopes and dreams. Ideally, you’ll talk about life’s best moments and worst, the brightest places in your background and the darkest. But what about God?…

  • 10 Books Every Christian Should Read

    I believe that of all the questions I receive, the most common relate to books. What are some books I ought to read? Can you recommend a book on this subject or that subject? What should I read next? I’m happy to answer such questions, but thought I might be able to answer a bunch…

  • friday

    A La Carte (June 22)

    I’m in San Diego today and looking forward to speaking several times at the IBCD conference on the theme of “Loving Wayward Souls.” I hope to meet some of you here! Then it’s back home Saturday to worship with my church family on Sunday. (Yesterday on the blog: The Lost Spiritual Discipline) The Dangers of…

  • Watchfulness

    The Lost Spiritual Discipline

    We are all accustomed to reading works on the spiritual disciplines of the Christian life. We know that as Christians we ought to discipline ourselves to ensure we maintain a lifelong focus on Word, prayer, and fellowship. And so we read the Bible and meditate on it, we pray as individuals and families, and we…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (June 21)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good selection of books and booklets. (Yesterday on the blog: The Greatest Treasure of Church History) Life as a Vapor Many people have been wondering how Paul Washer has been doing since his heart attack. Here’s a recent update he wrote for his ministry. Differences Between the God of…