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A La Carte (June 27)


Today’s Kindle deals include a number of books you’ll probably want to at least look over.

You may want to check out this week’s deals from Westminster Books.

(Yesterday on the blog: Ask Me Anything Zambia: Writing and Productivity)

How the Catholic Church Became Roman

“How does Christ construct his church? One answer is suggested inside the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, in letters six feet tall, where Christ’s promise is written in Latin: ‘Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church …’ Illumined by encircling windows, these words sit as a crown atop the crypt of the apostle himself, who is hidden far beneath the high altar, a reminder of the authority given to Peter’s heir who sits upon the papal throne.”

God Told Me…

Here’s a corrective on a common phrase. “‘God told me … .’ That remark with attached comment can be heard quite often among Christians. We generally consider it as just a figure of speech common in Christian circles to express a feeling, a sense, an impression, or a leading that one believes has come from God. But while using that phrase, such a statement isn’t construed as divine revelation.”

How Can You Spot a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? (Video)

Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason helps Christians understand what characterizes a false teacher. It’s brief but pointed.

Soccer-baseball or Kickball? Cottage or Cabin? Try Our Canadian Dialect Quiz to See Where You Fit

Yes, we Canadians have some strange ways of saying things, and those change depending on where in Canada you live! My phrases were all either from Ontario where I grew up or Quebec where my parents did.

Food, Comfort, and the Gospel

I’m glad to see someone address this issue. “We have exchanged the glory of God for cheap, temporary comfort readily available at the nearest convenience store or drive thru. We are so entrenched in it that it is rarely spoken of or preached from the pulpit. Our gods are our bellies and we’ve turned a blind eye.”

1929-1930: Eyewitness Accounts of Lincoln’s Assassination (Video)

This is amazing: Old video interviews with 2 men who witnessed the scene of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination in April 1865.

The Bible Has Been Translated Many Times Over, so How Can It Be Reliable?

“The Bible can now be read in nearly 700 different languages. For the New Testament, the number jumps to over 1,500 languages. It’s not surprising, then, that the Bible is the most translated book in history. Christians see the number of translations as a good thing—more people are able to read God’s word in their own language. Others, however, seem to think the number of translations is a bad thing. In fact, they cite the number of translations in order to call into question the Bible’s reliability.”

Flashback: Have You Looked Into the Mirror Today?

I need to believe that the Bible more accurately reflects the state of my heart than the mirror in my bathroom reflects the state of my body.

Observation: People who don’t have much of a plan tend not to read much of the Bible.

—Paul Carter

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