The Church’s Identity – Erik Raymond looks at the way society allows people to customize gender today, and then compares that to the church. It’s an apt comparison.
Passion Week Infographic – Josh Byers has a pretty good infographic on the Passion Week that may interest you.
Arms Wide Open – Here’s a longform article about Rio’s Christ the Redeemer. It’s makes for quite an interesting read.
Made For Another World – “This is as good as it gets!” I said out loud as I raised my glass to toast the Creator. “A true masterpiece! Thank you!” Paradise restored! My spot on the new earth—no visible sin, no stress, no disability, no pain, sorrow or depression. This…is as good as it gets! And that’s when it happened.
The Battle Against Busyness – J.D. Greear offers four ways to win the battle against busyness.
Germany Needs the Gospel – Germany needs the gospel. That’s the obvious takeaway from this article from Newsweek (HT:JT).