The Fate of Richard Dawkins – There is a lot to think about in this article about Richard Dawkins and his presence on Twitter. “We are seeing how Dawkins’s mind works prior to his exercise of thought and self-editing, and it isn’t pretty.” Could the same be said of you?
God’s Not Dead – Here’s a 5-minute video you may enjoy: “Is God dead? Not in academia. As someone who teaches philosophy at Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford, Vince Vitale is well placed to know what the top scholarship says about God. Vince shows how in the fields of philosophy and sociology, God is very much alive. If you think intellectual objections undermine belief in God, Vince suggests that you may be unaware of the arguments at the highest level.”
Raised? – Raised? is a 4-part film that ties in to a new book of the same title. It’s well worth watching.
The Word of God: Jesus or the Bible? – If Jesus is the Word of God, can we still call the Bible the Word of God? What’s going on here? Derek Rishmawy provides a sound answer.
Idolatry in Corporate Worship – Bob Kauflin offers guidance in answering this question: What’s your greatest hindrance to worshiping God as you gather with the church for corporate worship?
Stop Binge-Watching, Start Binge-Reading – While I don’t think we ever want to let go of self-control (as the word “binge” indicates), I think there’s a lot to be said for what Phil Edwards says in this article.