The Most Consequential Christian Liberty Case – Denny Burk: One of the most important religious liberty cases in a generation will come before the Supreme Court on Tuesday. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties will be making their final appeal for an exemption from Obamacare’s coercive ‘contraceptive’ mandate.”
Noah – If you were planning to go and see the film Noah, well, this review gives you an idea of what you’ll see. Not much that’s even vaguely related to the true story, apparently.
Why Thieves Steal Soap – I enjoyed this little lesson on economics. It explains why in some areas they need to lock up the soap. “It’s well known that pharmacies need to protect their stores of cold medicine, which methamphetamine cooks like Jesse Pinkman can use to make product. But why soap? Is a $6 bottle of Dove body wash really worth the squeeze?”
Books at a Glance – I want to give another shout-out to Books at a Glance, a service that will provide synopses of important Christian books. If you’re a pastor or a Christian reader, you might as well try the free trial and see if you find it helpful.
Top Children’s Books of 2013 – Have you wondered what kids are reading these days? Here are the top kids’ books from 2013.
Flee Youthful Passions – “The ‘youthful passions’ in this context are not sexual. Paul has in mind the passion for controversy, that feeling inside that relishes a fight and loves to be proved right and even prophetic.”