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A La Carte (March 6)

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You’re Going to Die – This is good stuff from Jared Wilson: “You know, it’s possible that God’s plan for us is littleness. His plan for us may be personal failure. It’s possible that when another door closes, it’s not because he plans to open a window but because he plans to have the building fall down on you. The question we must ask ourselves is this: Will Christ be enough?”

A Hostile Culture – Randy Alcorn offers a great answer to this question: What is your advice on how believers should deal with a culture that is increasingly hostile to Christianity?

Young, Restless, and Reformed Homeboys on Lenten Fasting – I enjoyed this article. “Packiam is endemic of how most Lent-adopters talk about church history: They denigrate (explicitly or implicitly) their low-church Evangelicalism as unmoored from tradition and underscore how adopting the liturgical practice connects them to the historic church.”

Rediscovering Jesus’ Hymnbook – Joe Holland offers a good list of reasons to sing the psalms, along with some advice on how to get started.

Inferior Technology – Is the printed book inferior technology to the ebook? Maybe not.

Jesus, Friend of Sinners – “As precious as this truth is—that Jesus is a friend of sinners—it, like every other precious truth in the Bible, needs to be safeguarded against doctrinal and ethical error. It is all too easy, and amazingly common, for Christians (or non-Christians) to take the general truth that Jesus was a friend of sinners and twist it all out of biblical recognition.”


The place where God has supremely destroyed all human arrogance and pretension is the cross.

—D.A. Carson

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