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A La Carte (March 7)

The Man Who Made a Million Empires

I consider Sid Meier to be one of the greatest game designers of all time. For that reason I thoroughly enjoyed this rare profile of him.

6 Areas of End Times Agreement

Chris Brauns: “While there are many different interpretations of how events of the end times will unfold, orthodox, Bible-believing Christians passionately agree about the most important matters. Here I point out six end times areas of agreement about which the Bible is explicit…”

Why It Hurts So Much to Step on a LEGO

Here is a scientific explanation of why it hurts so bad when you step on that little piece of LEGO.

Inject Your Prayer List with Life

I think we can all identify with this: “My praying through a list of names and needs often feels more like reading a shopping list than meaningfully communing with the Father in heaven.”

The Chang Tang-Pa

You may enjoy this photo essay from what must be a lost and unreached people group.

We’re Called to Make Disciples, not Simply Converts

R.C. Sproul: “Discipleship is a lifelong experience of learning the mind of Christ and following the will of Christ, submitting ourselves in complete obedience to His lordship. Thus, when Jesus tells us to go to all nations, we are to go into all the world with His agenda, not our own.”

This Day in 1802. 214 years ago today, “in Washington, D.C., the first Baptist church was organized with six charter members. Their first pastor Obadiah Brown was hired five years later, and Brown remained in that pulpit while involving himself in every important local Baptist program for the next 43 years!” *

Articles on Singleness, Dating, and Marriage

Here’s a roundup of some of the best articles on singleness, dating, and marriage.

The Dark Side of International Adoption

Amy Medina has begun what sounds like an important series on international adoption.


The physical presence of other Christians is a source of incomparable joy and strength to the believer.

—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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  • Shadow, Stream, and Scattered Beam Apologetics

    This week the blog is sponsored by Zondervan Reflective. This is an excerpt from Thaddeus Williams’ latest book on living out a radically God-centered systematic theology entitled Revering God: How to Marvel at Your Maker (Zondervan Reflective, 2024), featuring stories of Christian thinkers like Michael Horton, Fred Sanders, Joni Eareckson-Tada, John Perkins, Vishal Mangalwadi, and…

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    It Comes with a Personal Tutor

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    Weekend A La Carte (September 14)

    A La Carte: The Battle and the Blessing (a new song!) / Curved in upon ourselves / Pondering the passage of time / The allure and danger of WitchTok / Be a Christian in every situation / and more.