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A La Carte (March 9)

Today’s Kindle deals include a few books that rarely get discounted.

Westminster Books is offering discounts on the Christianity Explored series as well as its two related studies.

(Yesterday on the blog: Young Christian: Set an Example )

How Can Parents Encourage Kids to Own Their Faith as They Grow Up?

“Parents, don’t take the biblical proverb ‘train up a child’ and treat it like a promise, assuming that if you do everything right in your parenting, your children will turn out right. Proverbs are general truths, not specific promises. Besides, when we consider the overall context of the Bible, we see how counterproductive it is to try to train our kids to trust in God if what we model for them is that we trust in our training.”

Homeschool Will Not Save Them

Scarlett Clay writes about her daughter and the years spent homeschooling (which is a good cautionary tale for all parents): “My daughter had never been reborn. My confidence had been misplaced. Months passed before I could fully accept that one of mine was not one of his — at least not yet. Crushing self-condemnation followed. I spent over ten years investing in her soul daily, and what was there to show for those efforts?”

Preaching Points: Aim for the Ear!

“Don’t preach as would a writer; preach as a preacher! Preachers who fail to appreciate the vast difference between their oral craft and writing usually display very different understandings of their task—centered in the pulpit and congregation for one and in the desk and study for the other.”

Christian Couple That Lost Foster Children for Refusing to Lie About Easter Bunny Vindicated by Ontario Court

If you have been following this strange case in Canada, you’ll be glad to hear of the final outcome.

The Logistics of Living in Antarctica (Video)

More people live in Antarctica than you might think. And it takes a lot of effort to keep them going.

Why do Some Pastors Deliberately Avoid Teaching Doctrine?

“Doctrine does narrow things. And we don’t like that word ‘narrow.’ Where you will find one person who is attracted to sound doctrine, you will find a hundred who want to allow all sorts of beliefs to be tolerated.”

Ichiro’s Return to Seattle Won’t Resolve the Battle Raging Within Him

Baseball fans will enjoy this one. And even for the non-fans, it’s a poignant display of the ugly power of idolatry. “Is this what the end of a great career looks like up close? Ichiro hates not playing baseball, but he might hate playing poorly even more. When he’s slumping, his wife has said, she will wake up and find him crying in his sleep.”

Flashback: Hobbies to the Glory of God

I believe God is pleased when we pursue hobbies. I also believe that we can confidently pursue them and do them for the glory of God even if there is no obviously redeeming value in them.

You will gain nothing in the end, by doing what God forbids, nor will you be a loser by yielding strict obedience to his commands.

—Richard Johnson

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