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A La Carte (May 17)


Yesterday we made the long drive from Louisville back to Canada and are once again settled into home. The newlyweds, meanwhile, headed off on what I pray will be a joyful honeymoon.

Between getting home and calling it a night I did have time to dig up a few new Kindle deals.

Westminster Book is offering a great deal on what they’re calling Bavinck’s Christianity 101.

(Yesterday on the blog: Who You Most Truly Are — A Wedding Speech for Abby and Nathan)

Where Our Ends Meet

This is a sweet celebration of adoption. “Adoption means that your child is a wide-open adventure, unbounded by your DNA and history, by your looks and peculiarities. Whether your child is lovely or homely has nothing to do with you. So many things that were determined when sperm met egg are completely outside your influence, but it is yours to unwrap and nourish the gift of their design.”

Loving Across the Ideological Fence

“Society and the mainstream media tries so hard to pit everybody against one another. And they are successful for the most part. Christians must resist this. We must not cave into the cultural pressure of hating those who don’t see things the way we do.”

Substack and the Future of Online Christian Writing

Samuel James has some interesting thoughts on Substack, blogs, and the future of online Christian writing. I agree by and large, though I’m not quite as sold on Substack as he is. (It seems to me to be too much of a single point of failure if it decides to divest itself of people who won’t swear to some secular creed.)

No ordinary life

Susan Lafferty tells about her dad’s life and mission. “Pages torn out of old journals rest in my hands. Stapled together. Written by my father at 28 and 29. Newly arrived on the field overseas.”

Lemons and Thorns

“There are moments when suddenly it’s like you see the good news of the gospel for the first time. Have you ever had one of them? Where it’s all fresh and new and you almost want to ‘get saved’ again because you need to respond to the wonder of these truths?” Yup!

Every knee shall bow

Al Mohler: “Many Christians fail to understand the political nature of Christianity—even the politics of the empty tomb. In truth, the gospel of Jesus Christ is profoundly political, but not in the way many now understand politics.”

Flashback: The Whole Christian Life Every Sunday

We trust that the downcast are lifted up and encouraged…We trust that they can take what they have experienced on Sunday morning and imitate it through the week as they live the Christian life—they, too, can pray and read and learn and sing and serve.

Love was always at the heart of God’s law. It was given by love to be received in love and obeyed through love.

—Sinclair Ferguson

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