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A La Carte (May 2)

A La Carte Thursday 1

The God of love and peace be with you today.

Westminster Books is offering a discount on two new books by the much-respected theologian Vern Poythress.

I added a heap of new Kindle deals yesterday and have a few new ones for today as well. We are spoiled!

(Yesterday on the blog: Climb a Mountain, Swim a Sea, Fight a Dragon)

How to Resist Content Anxiety

This may resonate with parents. “Almost every time I open up social media, I’m bombarded by parenting influencers telling me the best ways to care for my child. Apparently swaddling is bad now. Who knew?! I can’t scroll through my feed without being confronted by ads for must-have baby products that are “backed by research” and happen to be designed to perfectly fit an Instagram aesthetic. I didn’t realize even our burp cloths needed to be performance-ready for an online audience.”

How Much Power Does Satan Have? Is Satan Omnipresent? (Video)

How much power does Satan have? Is Satan omnipresent? Bruce Ware provides excellent answers to these questions and others.

Which Preacher Influences You the Most?

This was an unexpected yet thought-provoking answer to the question from Bill Farley.

The Path Away From Pornography

Chris Hutchison describes the path away from pornography. “Of all the things I get to do in ministry, few bring me more joy than helping men break free from pornography. I love seeing someone come alive as the stupor of sexual slavery loses its hold on them and they begin to live in the light.”

Grieving the Erasing of Friendship

Bryan Schneider grieves the contemporary erasing of friendship. He suggests some reasons why friendship has fallen on such hard times.

A Tribute to David Livingstone

Fittingly, this tribute to David Livingstone comes from someone who lives in Zambia, the country where Livingstone spent so much of his life (and where he ultimately died).

Flashback: Behind-the-Scenes: Christian Publishing

I’m familiar only with Christian books so will keep my comments focused on that small corner of a much larger industry. From my perspective, here’s a look at how Christian publishing works.

It is better to fail in the eyes of the world than to succeed without the Lord.

—Collin Hansen

  • Nothing Can Separate Us from God

    This week the blog is sponsored by Zondervan Reflective. This excerpt from The NIV Application Commentary on the Bible: One-Volume Edition explains the original meaning of Paul’s words in Romans 8:31-39 and shows how his message can apply to our lives today. We begin with words from the Apostle Paul: 31 What, then, shall we…

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    I Used To Dream Big Dreams

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    A La Carte: Don’t wait until you feel like it / Faithful presence after the Evangelical fracturing / 7 things that make the gospel of John unique / Pastor, your ministry is a noble ask / The case for and against door-to-door evangelism / Lots of great Kindle deals / and more.

  • To Fail in Our Commitment

    Nowhere does the Bible command a daily “quiet time.” Yet often does the Bible commend an earnest commitment to reading the Bible, meditating upon it, and diligently applying its truths. Often does it commend those who lived according to it.

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    Weekend A La Carte (August 24)

    A La Carte: Sanctification explained simply / What is a hyper-cessationist? / When life feels crushing / “OK, Boomer” / Being rather than doing daily devotionals / Kindle deals / and more.

  • Free Stuff Fridays (Zondervan Reflective)

    This weeks Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Zondervan Reflective. They are giving away book bundles to three winners. Each winner will receive: One (1) hardcover copy of Pilgrim Prayers by Tim Challies. Estimated retail value $26.99. One (1) hardcover copy of Seasons of Sorrow by Tim Challies. Estimated retail value $26.99. One (1) hardcover…