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A La Carte (May 28)


Today’s Kindle deals include a solid selection of new deals.

(Yesterday on the blog: Letters to the Editor (Christianish Churches, No Hitters, and Cell Phones))

When Preaching Is Big & God Is Small

Dave Harvey “I’ve been a pastor for a long time, which is why it’s so perplexing to me that speaking in front of people still triggers a low-grade fear. It makes no sense. I’m called upon to speak often, so my fear should be long over, but it’s not. Strange fears dance across the stage of my mind. I’m afraid that I won’t meet the goals of my talk. I’m afraid that I’m going to look stupid. And I’m afraid that what I’ll say will be irrelevant. Maybe you can relate. If you can, come on a brief journey with me while I share with you how I’ve come to diagnose this issue in my life.”

The Southern Baptist Convention Today

Tom Ascol tells about some of what’s happening in the SBC today. “Influential voices from both within and without the convention have signaled that the dismissal of Paige Patterson from the Southwestern Seminary presidency is only the first step of many that need to be taken to clean up the SBC. That there is much in the SBC that needs to be changed, is a point beyond dispute to my mind. But the end games for some appear to include everything from the full acceptance of women pastors, partial acceptance of the LBGTQ+ agenda, and reparations by the descendants of slaveholders to the descendants of slaves.”

See How Your Take Home Pay Compares to Workers Around the World

“Tax season has finally come and gone, and by now most Americans have either gotten their refund or established a payment plan for taxes owed to the government. Here’s a nice thought experiment: go back and look at your tax return to figure out how much money the government claims through all forms of taxation. How does your own situation compare to the rest of the world?” It’s quite an interesting infographic.

The Friendship That Battled the Prosperity Gospel to Treat Africa’s HIV Crisis

Allow yourself to read enough of this longform article and I think you’ll get drawn in.

Your Best Years Are Not Behind You

“God needs willing workers, not necessarily young ones.” So no matter your age, don’t allow yourself to think the best years for God are behind you.

The Structure and Theological Message of 1 Corinthians

Andy Naselli has been working on new commentary on 1 Corinthians and has shared an expanded version of his introduction. It’s very interesting reading if you’re into that kind of thing.

Is the Bible Pro-Slavery?

“‘The Bible is pro-slavery.’ This is a common charge these days. It is a part of the New Atheist attack on religion, and it also comes from various progressive circles to defend certain social views (in line with the so-called redemptive-movement hermeneutic).”

Flashback: Do You Fail to Deliberately Remember?

Remember who you are in Christ, remember his promises, and work those promises into your heart until you are satisfied and content with all that God’s providence has given you.

The only way you’re living your best life now is if you’re going to hell.

—John MacArthur

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