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Explore May 2018

  • Great Big Jesus Hug

    A Great Big Jesus Hug – Three-Minute Thursdays #17

    People experience personal devotions in different ways. Some wake up each morning and get a “great big Jesus hug” others…not so much. Does everyone need to feel the same kind of emotional connection to God when doing personal devotions? I try to answer that in this brief video. Transcript Welcome to another edition of 3-Minute…

  • A La Carte (May 31)

    Today’s A La Carte comes to you from Lusaka, Zambia where I spent yesterday at African Christian University. (You can keep an eye on my Instagram if you’d like to see what I’m up to.) Unfortunately I wasn’t able to track down any new Kindle deals and will hope for better things tomorrow. (Yesterday on…

  • A Warning To Those Who Work With Words

    There isn’t much I know that wasn’t taught to me by someone else. There isn’t much I count as wisdom that didn’t come to me by way of someone older and wiser than myself. The wisdom I am about to share is of exactly that kind. I won’t reveal the source, but will say it…

  • A La Carte (May 30)

    Yesterday I posted A La Carte from London, England; today it comes from Johannesburg, South Africa. Tomorrow will be yet another country… Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of interesting titles. (Yesterday on the blog: It’s Submission, Not Subjection) God’s Special People? “There is everything right about loving a country that has provided so much…

  • The Bible Is Not About You

    This week the blog is sponsored by Lifeway, who also wrote this article. On the surface, most Christians would agree with the title of this post. Yet, we so often read and study the Bible in a way that says the opposite. When we read the stories of the Old Testament, we draw moral conclusions…

  • It’s Submission, Not Subjection

    The Bible has a lot to say about submission. It’s a theme, a command, that appears with regularity. Christians are told to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ (Ephesians 5:21). Wives are instructed to submit to their own husbands (Ephesians 5:22). Church members are directed to submit to their pastors (Hebrews 13:17).…

  • A La Carte (May 29)

    I was able to track down a couple of Kindle deals. On a personal note, I’ve just touched down in London after an all-night flight from Toronto. I’m touring a museum today during my long layover, then spending tonight on another plane as I make my way to Zambia. This is the next leg in…

  • Spiritual Gifts

    Spiritual Gifts: What they Are and Why they Matter

    The movement called the New Calvinism has been around for quite a long time now, but still hasn’t solved one of its most basic questions: Do the miraculous or revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit continue to the present time or have they ceased (positions that are generally labeled “continuationism” and “cessationism” respectively)? And is…

  • monday

    A La Carte (May 28)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a solid selection of new deals. (Yesterday on the blog: Letters to the Editor (Christianish Churches, No Hitters, and Cell Phones)) When Preaching Is Big & God Is Small Dave Harvey “I’ve been a pastor for a long time, which is why it’s so perplexing to me that speaking in front…

  • Letters to the Editor (Christianish Churches, No Hitters and Cell Phones)

    I continue to receive some interesting and excellent letters from readers. Here is a small collection of them interacting with my articles or videos on the distinction between Christian and Christianish, the prosperity gospel, the no-hitter epidemic in baseball, and our addiction to our smartphones. I hope you enjoy them! Letters on Is Your Church…

  • Weekend A La Carte (May 26)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of new/old books you may want to add to your collection. I also added a few for the history buffs. (Yesterday on the blog: Would You Like To Read a Christian Classic With Me?) What is a Praying Life? This is a really sweet article about prayer. “I burst…

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    Free Stuff Fridays (Zondervan Academic)

    This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Zondervan Academic, who also sponsored the blog this week. They are giving away five free copies of Joshua D. Chatraw and Mark D. Allen’s new book, Apologetics at the Cross. Here’s what Tim Keller had to say about Apologetics at the Cross:“In our culture, the practice of…

  • Would You Like To Read a Christian Classic With Me?

    It’s time, once again, to read a Christian classic together. Over the years I’ve often asked people like you to join me in reading some of the best Christian books ever written. And I’ve got a hankering to do it again. Why don’t you watch this short introductory video and see if you would like…

  • A La Carte (May 25)

    Today’s Kindle deals includes what I guess you could consider a few odds and ends. (Yesterday on the blog: How To Love Your Wife As Christ Loved the Church) Did Jesus Demand We Kill His Enemies? “In the gospel of Luke, Jesus says, ‘But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be…

  • How Love Your Wife As Christ Loved the Church

    How To Love Your Wife As Christ Loved the Church

    As a Christian husband, you are not left wondering or speculating about what it means to carry out your role in a way that pleases God and blesses your wife. To the contrary, the Bible provides clear guidance: You are to love your wife as Christ loves his church. In the closing verses of Ephesians…

  • A La Carte (May 24)

    Today’s Kindle deals ended up being a pretty good collection that included some newer and some older books. (Yesterday on the blog: The Road To Dawn) The Wrath of God Poured Out — The Humiliation of the Southern Baptist Convention This is quite a piece of writing from Al Mohler: “The #MeToo moment has come…

  • The Road to Dawn

    The Road to Dawn

    It’s always fascinating to me which characters history doesn’t remember and which ones history cannot forget. Sometimes key players fall out of our consciousness altogether while lesser ones are raised to legendary status. Sometimes real-life characters are lost to the mists of time while fictional ones are treasured forever. This is exactly the case with…

  • A La Carte (May 23)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some solid books that are worth checking out. Westminster Books has some great deals on some amazing books published by IVP. I will be in Edinburgh on July 17 and would love to meet you for an evening event at Faith Mission Bookshop. You can get details at the link. (Yesterday…

  • How R.C. Sproul Blessed the Church by Preaching the Curse

    How R.C. Sproul Blessed the Church by Preaching the Curse

    It was the 2008 Together for the Gospel Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. This was the early days of this movement called The New Calvinism and this conference was meant to introduce all of these enthusiastic young Calvinists to the old guard, to those few men who had been faithfully preaching these truths for many, many…

  • A La Carte (May 22)

    It is a bit of a slow day for Kindle deals but I did manage to dig up at least a few. (Yesterday on the blog: How To Tell if it’s a Prosperity Gospel Church) One Year Later: Reflections on Life in the Face of Death Courtney Reissig: “One year ago today I checked into…