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A La Carte (May 8)

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Good morning from somewhere in Ohio. Aileen and I are making our way down to Louisville where, tomorrow, both Abby and Nate will graduate from Boyce College!

Westminster Books has a new book for sale this week: Sighing on Sunday. It is a book meant to encourage the weary.

Today’s Kindle deals are headlined by Clint Watkins’ Just Be Honest.

Slouching Towards Saul When Selecting Leaders

This is a good and useful phrase I think: Slouching towards Saul. “Pastors, what do you look for when you’re seeking to identify a leadership candidate? Do you see how the Lord sees? Or do you, like Samuel, slouch towards Saul?”

Did the Jews Kill Jesus?

Kevin DeYoung offers his take on a pressing question. “Isn’t it the case that the Bible repeatedly affirms that the Jews as a people were responsible—perhaps uniquely responsible—for killing Jesus?”

Pastoral Wisdom from Brian Croft and Ronnie Martin

Brian and Ronnie’s new book, The Unhurried Pastor, was written to encourage ministry leaders as they navigate the challenges of long-term ministry. Get 25% off with code CHALLIES. (Sponsored)

The Growing Boredom Toward Movies

John Perrit writes about a phenomenon you may have noticed as well—that even while you watch a movie, you like to split your attention with a second screen. What does this say about us? And should we be concerned?

See Through Enemy Eyes: Expecting Temptation Before It Comes

This is such good counsel: “Ask the question, If I were Satan and desired to destroy my soul, how would I do it? Really consider it, first, because it will help you better know yourself. Second, because Satan is considering you and means to exploit every possible means to your damnation.”

5 Things Prayer Has the Power to Do

“We often hear the phrase, ‘There is power in prayer,’ but what does prayer have the power to do?” Here are five things prayer has the power to do.

A Good Neighbor

“Many people don’t want the Ten Commandments chiseled into a big chunk of marble and installed in their public space. Many people don’t want the Ten Commandments required of them by civil law.  But anyone would be happy to have a neighbor who keeps these commandments.” Which is interesting to think about, isn’t it?

Flashback: One Woman in the Right Mightier than Four Hundred Men in the Wrong

There are many characters in the Bible who display extraordinary character in extraordinary circumstances. Among them is Abigail, whose story is told in 1 Samuel 25.

Doctrine severed from practice is dead; practice severed from doctrine is just another form of self-salvation and self-improvement. A disciple of Christ is a student of theology.

—Michael Horton

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