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A La Carte (November 12)

A La Carte Collection cover image

A Soldier’s Diary – What was it really like to fight in the Second World War? These diary excerpts give us some glimpses.

Hide or Seek – You may want to check out this book deal from Westminster Books. When a book is recommended by Tim Keller, Ed Welch, Scotty Smith, and Philip Ryken, it must be good!

Common Mythconceptions – You might enjoy this list of common myths.

MacArthur Q&A – John MacArthur recently did a Twitter Q&A. You can find some of the highlights here. A favorite: “What is the best way to deal with pride?” “Get your eyes off yourself and onto Christ. The gap between whatever you are and what he is is infinite.”

The Sorrow and Joy of Imputation – “It is difficult to understand the sorrow and amazement and agony of a holy being in having sin thus by imputation imposed upon Him.”

Is Bill Watterson Staging a Comeback? – I doubt it, but I hope so. Did you see his new comic? It’s a good one.

A Theology of Healing – Justin Taylor summarizes an interesting article at Christianity Today.


Though sin often brings immediate pleasure, it gives no lasting joy.

—RC Sproul

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