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A La Carte (November 15)

Today’s Kindle deals include: The Original Jesus by Daniel Darling, Mormonism 101 by McKeever & Johnson, Preaching with a Plan by Scott Gibson, Washed and Waiting by Wesley Hill, People To Be Loved by Preston Sprinkle, and a collection of Counterpoints books which present multiple views on a point of doctrine.

More Like Sherlock, Less Like Watson

You’ll enjoy this challenge, I think.

Neither a Republican Nor a Democratic Church

Here is how Mark Dever opened his sermon last Sunday, in the aftermath of the presidential election. As you know, he pastors Capitol Hill Baptist Church, so is right in the thick of things.

Did My Lust Cause Our Miscarriage?

John Piper answers a difficult question arising from a heartbreaking situation.

Do You Have to Like God’s Commands?

Sam Allberry: “A friend of mine once confessed she had a verse in the Bible she would gladly remove if given the choice. Which verse this happened to be was less interesting to me than the notion itself. If we had the opportunity, would we happily remove any parts of the Bible?”

The Majority of Evangelicals Did Not Vote for Trump

Joe Carter digs into the numbers and finds that, as many of us suspected, the media has gotten it wrong. “Based on polling data and news sources, you might be under the impression that an overwhelming number of evangelicals—more than 80 percent—voted for Donald Trump. But this isn’t quite accurate.”

This Day in 1917. 99 years ago today Oswald Chambers died while serving as chaplain to British troops in Egypt. His wife, Gertrude, would compile the famed devotional ‘My Utmost for His Highest.’ *

Those Hard-to-Reach Itchy Places

You want to watch this great footage of grizzly bears scratching those hard-to-read places (taken from Planet Earth II). You can thank me later.

Love Warrior

Aimee Byrd wrote a fantastic review of what sounds like a troubling book. Even more troubling is the author’s association with a major Christian ministry.

Mocking Your Mission Field

This is well worth pondering: “My Facebook is filled with comments about snowflakes, hypocrites and lefties who supposedly are so evil and so despicable that they need to be ridiculed for their tears. The problem is that these snowflakes we’re mocking are my mission field.”

What Uber Did

This short video aptly displays what Uber did in disrupting the taxi industry in NYC.

Flashback: This Is Your Moment!

Here I interact with Christian authors who bludgeon their readers with a very particular (and manipulative) understanding of God’s providence.


Hospitality doesn’t transform people; it creates a space in which transformation can occur.

—Dhati Lewis

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