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A La Carte (November 19)


Today’s Kindle deals include a couple from Crossway and a couple of commentaries.

Here’s a reminder that I now have a Daily Podcast that shares some of my content via audio format. Here’s the most recent episode.

(Yesterday on the blog: Letters to the Editor)

3 Lines in the Sand

Stephen Nichols: “The proverbial silver lining in these challenges to the Bible in our day is that they bring a great deal of clarity to the issue before us as Christians: Will our authority be the Word of God? Or will it be the sensibilities of our age? Is it the Bible? Or is it us?”

Grappling with Mystery

Scott Watkins reflects on the mystery we encounter in life. “Mystery, mystery, mystery. Mystery runs through our minds like a hand over splintered wood. It hurts. It’s uncomfortable. It’s disorienting. We’d rather stick with what’s known, patterned, and familiar to our minds. And if not that, we’d at least like to know why something mysterious is happening. “

The Korean Exam That Brings The Nation to a Halt

“Every year in November, more than half a million high school students across South Korea sit for the examination of their life—the infamous Suneung or CSAT (College Scholastic Ability Test). It’s a grueling eight-hour session of back-to-back exams where students are tested on Korean, English, mathematics, social studies, history and sciences. It’s the single most important test any Korean student ever takes in their life.”

What’s in a Name? With ‘Climate Change,’ A Lot of Reckless Misuse

I appreciate Rex Murphy’s article on the changing, clever, and sometimes deceptive language used to describe what is now labeled climate change. Whether or not you agree with what he says, I think there’s a lesson here that extends to any number of issues, since the people who define the language typically get to set the agenda.

Interview with Tom Schreiner on Romans

Tom Schreiner has released a second edition of his commentary on Romans and here Michael Bird interviews him about what’s the same and what’s different.

Husbands, We’re Called to Help Our Wives Grow in Christ

“So we husbands are to not stand back and wish our wives were more godly. Rather, we are to assume responsibility to step forward and lead our wives by sharing God’s Word with them. (Similarly, we don’t bemoan that a houseplant has shriveled leaves and consider it a failure; instead, we regularly water the plant and expose it to the right light to help it thrive.)”

The Perseverance Of Mom And The Power Of God

Sam has written a powerful tribute to his mom.

Flashback: As Innocent as a Snake

God calls upon each of his children to have extensive knowledge of all that is true and pure and honorable. He calls upon each of his children not to have an extensive knowledge of what is false and filthy and abhorrent.

Our only hope is to throw ourselves unreservedly on God’s mercy and trust him for all.

—J Gresham Machen

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